Goodybox and Giveaway

On Thursdaynight, I got an email that I will be the next receiver of The Goodybox. The Goodybox is a box full of makeup that is searching for a new owner. You take out the things you like and put stuff back that you don't use yourself. You make a video or pics of what you did and after that the box goes to his next owner.
Anyway, the box started out as one box below 10 kilos, but it is very populair and the box was divided in two boxes. But those also started to become to be like over 10 kg, and in the summer they are going to get divided into 4 boxes! It's a great initiative that Linda of started.
Anyway, I'll be getting The Goodybox soon and because the box only goes to The Netherlands and Belgium, my blog about it will be in Dutch. Just so you know in advance :)

Like I said before, I will be doing another giveaway soon. I've been shopping for the giveaway and I can already tell you that I have some limited edition goodies and there will be products for you lips, eyes, cheeks and nails. The giveaway will be posted on June 4th, when this blog exists 6 months :)