Gosh 1+1 free Haul, with Swatches

On monday I was in Amsterdam, so after work I decided to go to the Kruidvat there, because they have more than 'my own' Kruidvat.

I chose 4 lipsticks, 1 light n shine lipglaze and 5 effect powders.

Velvet Touch Lipsticks, with flash:

 Mulberry (I adore this colour!), Romantic, Amethyst, Bourgogne

Withouth Flash:

Light 'n Shine lipglaze, no. 5:

It has a usefull mirror and a light inside the applicators handle:

Swatches in daylight:

Swatches indoors, with flash:
 They are pretty shiney :)

Effect Powders:

Gold Dust, Steel, Glamour, Purple Rain, Bluebell

Swatches in daylight:

Swatches indoors:

I think Gold Dust will be a great Highlighter, Steel is absolutely beautifull, and Purple Rain has golden glitters in it, I'm not sure what to think of those yet, but I love the purple in itself.

The EPswatches are made on Hema eyeshadowbase, so the colours don't look as intense as they are. If anyone is interested, I can make swatches from other EP's aswell. I could do them on Gosh eyeshadowbase or NYX jumbopencil Milk, so you could see the colours better. Maybe I should make pics and swatches of my Gosh products anyway...