Ghetto-Fabulous Tip # 7: Make Your Own Organic Pore Cleansing Strips

Want to rid your skin of all the gunk & grime? For just a fraction of the cost you can make your very own Pore Strips (even organic, if you want) similar to a tried, true and... yes- unfortunately toxic brand we all know and (used to) love! 
Let me first begin by stating that these are the two most effective ways I've come across. Either way, begin with a steam facial first to loosen all the dirt and open up your pores.

The Egg Method:
What You'll Need:
  • 1 Organic Egg White.
  • 1 sheet of Paper Towel / or/ several squares of Toilet Paper.
  • A Makeup Brush (I use my M.A.C. 190 Foundation Brush).
  • A Bowl.
  • A Whisk.
  • Scissors.
  • A Sink. 

1. Cut Paper Towel /or/ Toilet Paper into strips with scissors.
2. Whisk Egg White until foamy & frothy!
3. Paint a thin layer of Egg Whites on desired areas.
4. Apply pre-cut Paper Strips on top of the Egg Whites.
5. Then apply a second coat on top of the Strips to keep them in place.
6. Allow to dry completely (or it won't work).
7. Carefully peel off the paper strips beginning with an edge.
8. Check for Porcupines! (Ew). 

See a video of The Egg White Method here, (although I only talk about the first part).
  • Use thin layers of Egg Whites.
  • You can use this as facial mask.
  • Avoid the delicate eye area, eye brows, and hair-line (may possibly remove hair).
  • Rinse brush IMMEDIATELY- but NOT with Hot water, it will cook the egg (gross)!
  • Speed up the process w/ a Blow Dryer on a cool setting or a Fan.
  • Skin may be slightly flushed/ red for about 30 minutes- an hour when done... so don't plan any hot dates! 
The Gelatin Method:

What You'll Need:
  • 1 Tbsp of Knox Original Gelatin, Unflavored.
  • 1- 1 1/2 Tbsps of Organic Milk (whole milk works best).
  • An old Makeup Brush (I use my M.A.C. 190 Foundation Brush).
  • A Spoon.
  • A Glass Bowl (microwave-safe).
  • A Sink.
  • A Microwave. 

1. Mix Gelatin & Milk in a bowl and heat for 10 seconds until slightly warm.
2. Dampen your Makeup Brush with water, then dip it into the mixture (should make it easier to clean later).
3. Apply a thin layer to desired areas (Nose, Chin, Forehead).
4. Allow mixture to completely dry for at least 15-20 minutes or until stiff (otherwise it won't work).
5. Peel off the stiff film.
6. Check out the Porcupines! (Ew).

See a video of The Gelatin Method here.


Make sure gelatin mix is thin. If it's not liquidy enough- add a few more drops of milk.
Wait for it to cool just enough so you don't burn yourself, but work quickly so it doesn't start to set!
Don't use this method as full facial mask, just in small sections.
Avoid the delicate eye area, eye brows, and hair-line (may remove hair).
Rinse Makeup Brush IMMEDIATELY!
If you're impatient, you can speed up the process w/ a Blow Dryer or a Fan.
Skin may be slightly flushed/ red for about 30 minutes- an hour when done... so don't plan any hot dates!
I'm not even going to lie to you, this totally smells like vomit!! (Ewwww).

Personally, I can't deal with the smell of the Gelatin Recipe, so I use the Egg White one... but both work really well. My skin felt amazing afterwards!
Happy Stripping! xo