DIY: Pumpkin Cream Pie Facial Mask

Not sure what to do with all that fresh pumpkin after carving it? Pamper your pumpkin-face of course! Not only is this facial mask fun & festive- it actually packs a punch... my skin was absolutely glowing!

What You'll Need:
  • A Blender or Vita-Mix.
  • Measuring Spoons.
  • A Bowl.
  • Basting Brush or something to apply the mask with (you can use your fingers).
  • An Old Wash Cloth.
  • Microwave.
  • A Sink.
  • 3 Tbsps. of Fresh Pumpkin (Yes, fresh as in the pumpkin you just carved for Halloween LOL).
  • 3 Tbsps. of Organic Greek Yogurt (Vanilla, Plain, Regular Yogurt or Sour Cream)...  
  • 1 Tbsp of Organic Honey (Regular or Raw).
  • 1/2 Tsp. of Pumpkin Pie Spice (or mix a combo of what you like... Ground Cinnamon, Ground Ginger, Gound Nutmeg and Ground Cloves, etc.).
A Few Tips:
  • I suggest Fresh Pumpkin. A lot of recipes I found say you can use Canned Pumpkin instead of Fresh... but I don't use any canned products... one, because metal food cans contain BPA / Bisphenol A, which is linked to Breast Cancer and two, because of the unnecessary fillers and preservatives. Some good info on BPA and the link to Cancer here: The Breast Cancer Fund
  • The thicker the better for the Yogurt or Sour Cream!
  • If you use Plain Yogurt or Sour Cream... use a few drops of Vanilla Extract, like the kind you use in cake to get it to smell yummy like pie!
  • Also, I thought the spices would bother my skin- but they didn't!

  1. Combine all the ingredients into your blender.
  2. Pour the mask into a bowl and put your spoon or basting brush in it.
  3. Wash your face with cleanser to remove any makeup.
  4. Prepare your Facial Cloth: wet your old wash cloth, fold it in half and roll it up.
  5. Heat up your moist wash cloth in the microwave for about 10-15 seconds.
  6. Make sure it's not too hot and lay it on your skin to steam your face, soften your skin and open up your pores.
  7. Apply a smooth layer of Pumpkin Pie Facial Mask onto your skin (avoiding your eyes) and hang out for about 15-20 minutes until it dries.
  8. Lay a warm, wet washcloth over your face for a minute or so to loosen the mask and then gently wipe it off.
  9. Rinse your face with warm water to remove any excess.
  10. I like to apply a little Organic EVOO after- but you can apply any natural moisturizer and you're done!
Why it's good for you:

PUMPKIN:  is a member of the squash family, which contains vitamins like A (great for healing), E & C- (great for a healthy complexion) and is really rich in antioxidants like natural alpha-hydroxy acids, Beta-carotene and zinc, potassium, and lutein which all help reduce the signs of aging.

CREAM or YOGURT: has anti fungal and antibacterial qualities, so it is useful for cleansing and unclogging blocked pores. It also brightens the skin and contains naturally occurring alpha-hydroxy acid from lactic acid that exfoliates and renews the cellular surface of the skin.

HONEY: is awesome for acne, high in vitamin C, a variety of B vitamins such as niacin, riboflavin, and pantothenic acid, as well as minerals such as potassium. It also contains powerful antioxidants which fight free radicals and reverse aging, it's rich in amino acids, the basic building blocks of life- softening and dissolving dead skin cells and nourishing to new skin cells. Bees release glucose enzymes when they create honey that is a natural antiseptic and has antibacterial properties. When applied topically, it draws body fluids and nutrients to the area assisting in cell growth and scar prevention.

VANILLA & SPICES: reduce stress and is used in aromatherapy to have comforting and relaxing effects. It's also a powerful antioxidant, anti-depressant, an aphrodisiac, lower blood pressure, blood sugar and is an antiseptic.

See, all Treats and no Tricks... Happy Halloween My Little Pretties! Enjoy! :) xoxo