Archive for September 2011

Gift from my Beloved

Now some of you may not know this, but my hubby is a real gentleman (and a romantic), he opens door for me and such. When we first met, he even gave me a handkiss. Hahahaha.

Anyway, my beloved starts an hour at work earlier than me and is home an hour earlier aswell. Since I'm working in a mall, in a little sidestreet that is pretty much dark when we close, he always comes and picks me up. Might seem a bit extreme to some, but we don't have security walking around when the stores are open in the evening for nothing. It's a great mall, but when everything closes and it gets dark, a LOT of people are starting to hang out there and there have been many fights.

Sidney, being the gentlemen that he is, doesn't want me to walk alone there in the evening, so he always comes and picks me up. He's sort of become ''furniture'' to our store as we like to call him. My collegues don't mind at all :)

Anyway, a while ago, we walked home through the mall, and my eyes fell on a window with these amazing earrings in it. I immediately loved them, because they contained lots of things that I like and were pretty unique. Ofcourse I wasn't able to buy them, because I had to work when they were open.
So what did my awesome hubby do? He bought them the next day and gave them to me! So Sweet!

The victorian style upperpart, the lace over the black stone, the length, the silver feathers...*sigh*.
I absolutely adore them and I think they will look awesome with my birthdaydress!

Thanx again  My Love! *sm00ch*

(BTW, sorry, apparantly some scheduled posts were turned into drafts for some weird reason and weren't posted on the days they were supposed to)

Castlefest Tryout Makeup: Medusa with Sugarpill

This post has been long overdue, so I won't talk too much about it. This is the tryout makeup I did for Castlefest this year (which was in the beginnng of August). The makeup that I finally did was pretty similar to this one. That one will be online soon aswell.

This is just a tryout for the makeup(just one side of the face), and the hair. To see what I wanted to do with it all, and see if what I had envisioned would work.

On with the pics!

I used mostly Sugarpill loose powders, Absinthe, Junebug, Stella and Goldilux, but I also used a little of some Morgana Cryptoria samples.

Look at those glittery green lashes!

Products used:

Every Day Minerals, Soft Butter Peach (Orginial Glow)
Catrice Highlighting Powder, Fairy Dust (LE)
Sleek blush, Rose Gold

Snakeskin was made with fishnet fabric and Absinthe with on top of it Junebug.
(At Castlefest I wore Gosh Waterproof eyeshadowbase underneath the snakeskinprint, because it would be raining that day. On these pics I used NO base.)
Nail Art Stones

Gosh Eyeshadowbase
NYX jumbopencil, Milk
Sugarpill loose powders, Absinthe, Junebug, Stella, Goldilux
Morgana Cryptoria, Pharaoh's Curse, She Creature, Underworld.
Black Dollywink eyeliner
Manhattan Black eyeshadow
Gosh Extreme Art Eyeliner, 22 (glitter green/gold)
Gosh Extreme At Eyeliner, 18 (glitter gold/copper)

Gosh Velvet Touch Eyeliner, Woody Green
Sugarpill Loose Powder, Junebug

Morgana Cryptoria Lipsick, Absinthe

10 ways to use perfume samples from magazines

perfume sample

What do you do with all those perfume samples from magazines? Give them a quick sniff? Toss them in the trash? Collect them? Perfume samples are handier than you think. Here are 10 ways to put them to good use.

1. Dress up your drawers. Tuck a few of your favorites in your underwear drawers as well as your other clothes drawers.

2. Stow them in your suitcase. Before hitting the road, toss an unopened sample into your suitcase. The sample won’t leak on your clothes and they will smell great for the duration of the trip.

3. Store them in your shoes (not while wearing them, of course). Your friends will think you have the best-smelling feet around. Not to mention your closet will smell much better. (See No. 6.)

4. Stash them under your car seat. Who needs one of those cheap, stinky air fresheners? Place a perfume sample under your seat and you’re good to go.

5. Put them in your purse. With all the stuff we load into our purses, it’s no wonder they sometimes smell a little stale. Nothing a perfume sample can’t fix.

6. Keep them in the closet. (See No. 3.)

7. Give gift bags a little extra something special. Sometimes it’s the little things that matter. Adding a perfume sample to a gift bag not only makes it smell great, but it also adds a personal touch.

8. Sleep tight on scented pillows. Toss a perfume sample into your pillowcase for some fragrant ZZZZZs.

9. Line your coat pockets. If you’re storing your coats during the summer months, placing a perfume sample in the pocket will help to ward off that musty smell. If you’re wearing your coat, even better. You’ll smell great the moment you enter a room.

10. Wear them. This is why they are in the magazines in the first place, right? Collect the perfume samples and try out different scents over time. You can test which fragrances you like before splurging on them.

View the original article here

I'm Nuts about it!

This blog is about one of my obsessions, one that I have t wait a whole year for and it only has a tiny window of time. No idea, what I'm talking about? Hahahha. Okay, Let me explain.
Growing up, almost everyone around me had a walnut tree. So I was used to eating walnuts when it was the right season. And with right season, I mean, the moment when they fall off the tree and are still fresh. Fresh enough to peel open en pull the skin off to reveal all of it's white glory.

Unfortunately, nowadays, only my parents still have a walnut tree, but it does have one of the best walnuts there is. Since I live in the north now, I can't get ANY fresh walnuts around here, because noone has a walnuttree in their backyard.
Luckely for me, I have the BEST parents a Nut like me could have.
So a week ago on thursday, my parents send me a box of this:

 They look wet, because they came straight from the tree, fresh walnuts are also known as wet walnuts.
I only eat them fresh, because the taste is really different from dry ones. Also, dry ones make my throat hurt, it's the little skin that does that. When I have dried ones left, I use them to make bonbons, or french toast and such. They dry pretty fast, so theres only a small window of time in which I can eat them. And I eat A LOT! (last year I ate 3 or 4 full boxes *grins*)

 When you stick a small sharp knife in the darker little center at the top, you can easily pop them open, to reveal this. I only use a walnutcracker if I can't open them this way, which almost never happens. A cracker isn't fun to use, because it ruins the nut inside into little pieces. That way its too much trouble to remove the skin anymore.

 This is WITH the skin, that I always peel off, this skin can make your throat hurt. I also don't really like the taste of the skin, it's too bitter.

 And this is without the skin, the whiter the nut, the fresher it is. And these were superfresh!
On sunday, the box was empty, oops, hahaha! My parents just send me a new box on thursday (awesome!), so I'm good to go for a few days again. Thanx mom and dad, you're the best! :)

These always kep my winterdepression at bay, it's something to look forward to after summer has ended. And after this summer I really needed my walnuts, hahaha.

I read that walnuts are pretty helathy and are considered a superfood. Ofcourse thats when you eat 7 a day orso. Since I eat several KILOS in about a months time, I just hope it helps me through the year, hahaha.
Anyway it seems these are pretty good for people with a high bloodpressure, which is good news for me. They also have a lot of other healthy ingredients, so try them out sometime!

EOTD: Yellow and Purple with Sugarpill / Sleek

This is an EOTD I did when I still had a fever and had to go to work. I only needed to work 3 hours in the evening, so I decided to just go and take them time in the weekend to get better. What's 3 hours, eh?

When I don't feel well, I tend to use bright colours to lighten my mood or make me feel better. Doesn't always work, hubby calls it compensation. :)

So this time, I used yellow and purple....

 For this look I wanted to use the Sleek Curacao palette. Matte colours tend to become really light on my eyes, so I decided to use Sugarpill colours a s abit of a coloured base.
So I usd Buttercake and Poison Plum on my eyelid, and later applied Sleek eyeshadows over it. Ofcpurse you can do this look with just the Sugarpill eyeshadows only ;)

 Here you can see the diagonal shape I used to apply the shadows. I have no idea why the eyeliner looks chopped ot in the middle of the wing though.

 Anyway, on with the Sleek Curacao palette: I applied Martini below the browbone and towards the crease as a highlighter.
 Then I applied Screwdriver in the inner eyecorner and towards the middle of the eye. Then I applied Purple Haze in the outer eyecorner and with a diagonal line towards the middle of the eye. I also applied Purple Haze into and above the crease. Leaving some yellow pointing towards the outer eye corner.

 I used a black eyeliner above the eyes and for the wing, and Gosh Black Ink below the eyes.
My hands wre itching to do more colour below the eyes and to apply fake lashes, but I had to go to work. So instead I did the simple eyeliners.

With some Light Burgundy blush by Catrice and some Soft Touch soft n shine by Gosh:

Can you tell I'm having a bit of a fever and feel like crap? :P

I seriously have to do something like this again with fake lashes and purple lipstick..

NOTD: Colorclub Masquerading

This is one of the polishes I bought at Auryn last time I visited.

 This is a beautifull colour that seems to change colour with the right lighting.

 Here it looks like a sort of greyish blue, but with diferent light it looks like a green masquerading as a blue.
Maybe a seagreen, you know, with lots of blue in it?

I have to say I'd have loved it to be even more green, but still, this is a beautifull colour, and as most of the polishes I won by colorclub, it's easy to apply aswell.

Birthday Presents

Most of the time, people seem to have a hard time getting me a birthday gift. I don't really know why, because I like everything, it's the thought that counts. But apparantly people seems to think they might dissapoint me or something, awww. :)

Anyway, here are a few of the gifts that I got for my bday, next to a lot of money that I still need to spend on nice stuff. :)

My beloved took me to this small boutique that I told him I wanted to go to for my birthday gift. It's really small and has all these special dresses from Paris. I like simpel things with a twist, and I love the stuff at this store. But since it's pretty expensive, I decided it would be perfect for a bdaygift.

I tried a few dresses, but this one stood out the most, its simpel, yet elegant. It flows around me and clings to my curves without feeling and looking too tight. It's really different from anything I own, and I absolutely adore it. The lace somehow lays on top of the fabric, without having seems at the back of it. I think it's part of this beautifull fabric.

Then he also bought me these FFING awesome shoes. This is the kind of shoes I love, but most of the time they are too wide or too big. These fit perfectl, which is kinda hard with my small(in width) feet. I LOVE LOVE LOVE the black suede fabric, the silver bucckles and the SNAKESKIN platform. *sigh*
Aren't they to die for?

Yeah, my hubs has got some great taste!

From others I also got these beautifull earrings:
A gift card for The Hielander, the Scottish reataurant, where Sid proposed.
Everything we need for a day for two at Artis a zoo here in NL, bonbons, lollypops, lucky hearts, etc
And lots of money, that I have to decide on what to spend it on......

Latest Auryn Haul

When we went to Auryn in August, I had lots of stuff on my wishlist, and decided not to order stuff so I could just get it at the shop itself.
Here's what I brought home:

 Sleek Pount Paints: Cloud 9, Mauve Over, Port and Pin Up.
I don't have a good experience with the OCC liptars, but I can tell you that the one Ive tried so far was way better. I need to get the blue one to make some nice purples....and Sleek needs to make a black one!

 Color Club: Masquerading, Ms Hautie, De-Lux-cious, Red Velvet
Swatched 3 of these already, so they will be on the blog soon.

 Colorclub: Snakeskin, and China Glaze: Gr8

I just love those colorclub polishes with that duochrome/shine effect. And ocourse I needed the holo from the OMG collection.
 Sleek cream lipstick: Grape
I absolutely love Sleek lipsicks and I def need more of these. 

Inoje: Pure Peeling Gel and Foam Cleansing.
Peeling for me and Foaming for the hubs.We both love this stuff. i needed some time qetting used to it, and after realising I just needed the peeling, my skin thanked me.

For some reason I forgot to make a picture of the Sleek Curacao palette, so heres a pic from the Enchantra site:

From the sale boxes:
 Konad: Nail deco Diamond Glitter, Coastel Scents gelline: 24k Gold and Sexy Pink
, some more glitter and some kitty nail art thingies:

And some lipsmackers that cracked me up, I just had to take these with me:
When I saw these, my hands were itching to give these to people who deserved them, hahahaha.
I also had skittles but these are already in use, Ive never used lipsmachers before these!

EOTD: Oh So Special at Auryn

This is another EOTD with the Sleek Oh So Special palette.l I did this when we went to Auryn again, the day before my birthday.

 I don't remember which colours Ive used exact;y where, but I mostly used The Mail, Gift Basket and Celebrate.

 This is such a great palette to have, especially if you love bright lips and I do.
It's always a perfect combo.

No idea what happened to my hair here, hahaha.
This was when we were in the train, going back home. I was wearing a black lace bodycon dress and a black knitted bolero. Also, AWESOME shoes my hubs bought me for my bday, which I'll show soon in a different blog :)

On an even more personal note, hubs is finally doing a bit better, but nowhere near healthy yet. And the loss of sleep has broken me, so Ive been having a fever since wednesday. Sid said he could fry eggs on my feet. I like to point out that my feet are always ice cold, so that's pretty hot. Anyway, I probably have a troatinfection or a light flu or something, and hopefully, this will be over soon.
My mom send me something that helps, more on that later :)

Review & Swatches: Laushine Nail Polish

When I first had a crackle polish from Born Pretty Store, it wasn't what I expected. When I spoke to them about it, they told me they had another brand now and asked if I wanted to try it out. I was curious to know if this one was better so I asked for a green one.

As a base I used Rimmel's Jaded Glamour, which I thought would give a great contrast with the darker green. The crackle polish is a little bit darker in real life, the flash of my cam lightened it a bit.

The Crackle polish is called Laushine Nail Polish. This is number 15 and it contains 15 ml of product. This bottle costs 4,91 dollars which is around 3,5 euros.

I love love love this crackle. It doesn't need a thick coat as some do, and because of it, it doesn't really need a topcoat either. Lots of crackles dry in thick cracks which feel gritty and can catch on you clothes and such so you generally put a topcoat over it to make it smooth.
This one doesn't really need a thick coat as you can see, even a really thin layer already gives a nice(see indexfinger) effect. A bit thicker gives a darker and more crackled effect (see thumb). But it is nowhere near a thick coat like other crackles Ive used.

This crackle is definately much better than the brand they selled before, and I think it's even the best crackle I've used so far :)

Born Pretty Store Coupon

 The nice people from Born Pretty Store have created a special coupon for Oh My Gosh readers!

This is a 5% off coupon which is valid till december 31st 2011.

And if this coupon is used over 20 times, they will sponsor a giveaway!

     the coupon is GMK31
So be sure to use it when you order something form their website :)

EOTD: Spiced Red

A lot of people are a bit afraid to use coral or red eyeshadow, because it can look really harsh, or makes you look like you've been crying. But these colours can be really gorgeous, so I tried to make a wearable EOTD with one of them.

 On my inner eyecorner I used Gilbert's Grapefruit by Catrice, which is a soft loking pink with a really nice shimmer in it. Perfect to tone down the red I've used.

 On the rest of my moving eyelid I applied Spiced Red, by Catrice, which is a LE.
 It's a beautifull darker red, which always reminds me of wine. To make the red a bit less harsh and to tone the colour down, I applied some black eyeshadow in the outer V. It makes the red look a lot softer than it really is.
Above the crease I blended a tiny bit of Berry Fairy by Catrice, which is also a LE. It's a burgundy colour with a lot more purple in it.

Then I applied some black liquid eyeliner above the lashes, and a tiny bit of black eyeliner below the eyes. This way I could apply some more eyeshadow below the eyes, without it looking like I've cried for hours on end.

Don't mind the shirt, I changed clothes after the pics, I eventually wore a black halterdress with a studded belt. ;)
 I applied some Light Burguny blush by Catrice on my cheeks. I aplied Evil shades Devilista on my lips, which is a very nice shade that somehow ends up between red and orange. And on top of that I applied Spiced Red lipgloss by Catrice (LE).

I think that these colours are really wearable this way, and that they give a great contrast with the colour of my eyes. It also makes the white of your eyes looks really really really white :)